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Sunday, March 23rd 2003, 2:58am

suse 8.1 pro, upgrade to kde 3.1, problems

:( tried several times, couple of different ways to upgrade to kde 3.1 and I have several problems. two main ones are that 1) when I try to run konqueror it will not start - running in a window results in a mysterious error - "Alarm Clock". 2) I never seem to get all the versions to the new levels (according to YsST2). I've tried to do this 2 ways. 1) downloading the rpm files from a suse mirror site to my hard drive and then using the rpm command rpm -Uvh *.rpm 2) using YaST2 and setting up a suse mirror site as a source and specifying the YaST-source directory.



Monday, March 24th 2003, 1:51pm

First, do not use Yast2 to upgrade to KDE 3.1. It would not install all the packages, I found using rpm much easier.

Have you downloaded all the packages you need? I do not why, but SuSE puts some packages that I would consider "BASE" packages in the applications directory. :?: An example of the is kdenetwork3. I would review the applications directory for all kde* packages that you need and download and install them.

You should be all set then.


Monday, March 24th 2003, 2:03pm

:? I downloaded all the files that I thought I would need from the mirror site from the base and applications directories into one directory on my hard drive. I then used the rpm command. When I tried to run konqueror it would give me an error of "ALARM CLOCK"


Thursday, March 27th 2003, 1:06am

I can offer no help, because I have the same problem and haven't found a solution. Where's all the Linux techs? We need some help!!!


Thursday, March 27th 2003, 3:11am

:x :roll: :!: no kidding. i have tried to get help from suse, i've tried thru this forum. suse is releasing 8.2 next month with kde 3.1 on it. but right now my money is extremely tight.

:idea: what i'm thinking about doing is separating the rpm files into the different sections (base,applications, etc) and then do them each separately.


Friday, March 28th 2003, 10:05pm

Any luck on reloading those packages? I seem to have some kind of problem with KDE3-graphics package( YAST doesn't like it for some reason). I loaded KDE3base with YAST and the rest with rpm's. Let me know how you're doing and I'll do the same, I hope to solve this problem this weekend, one way or the other.


Tuesday, April 1st 2003, 9:39pm

Just install the KDE official rpm's ( not SuSE's ) with --upgrade --force, or maybe --install --force. The idea is to bruteforce put those KDE3.1 files on your SuSEbox. Worked for me.

rpm -i --force k*.rpm
rpm --upgrade --force k*.rpm

just try a few things. Packages that really wont install are better to delete, for example: i had some problems with a pim-package if i remember right.

It might be neccecary to remove all kde settings for an user, or else it _may_ crash ( on my config it did, but that was together with an XFree update). If it does crash after installing the new rpm's, just do 'rm -rf ~/.kde' and restart X.



Tip: Always good to do this kind of stuff out of X, so adjust your runlevel in case you are using kdm or gdm.


Saturday, April 5th 2003, 6:26am

an update on the situation I left the download files from the suse site alone. changed the runlevel to level 1. tried to do the rpm as either a install or update and got the error message memory alloc failure.


Saturday, April 5th 2003, 2:17pm

Fixed Konqueror

I uninstalled every thing I had installed with YAST and reinstalled with RPM's downlaoded from SuSE. I still have a few issues but Konqueror is working again.
