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  • "Myint" started this thread

Posts: 4

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Thursday, December 16th 2004, 2:33am

Kdeutils-3.2.3 Configure: Help!

Hi! friends,

I downloaded kdeutilities-3.2.3 and start installing.
I compiled and installed qt-3.3.3 which configure asked for.
I ran again configure. I got the following message..

configure:28085: error: not found.
Possibly configure picks up an outdated version
installed by XFree86. Remove it from your system.

Check your installation and look into config.log

When I look at the configure script, (hell! I don't understand), It was checking libz... I think.

What should I remove from the system?
Libz...? Where can I down load replacement?

Kernel-2.2.18 Linux GNU.

Will some one guide me please?
To update XFree86, damn thing is complicated. Is there any other way?
