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Monday, December 13th 2004, 12:02pm

KDatePicker and signals

I have a problem qith "KDatePicker" KDE Widget.
If I connect his signal "DateChanged(QDate)" to a slot called "datechangedslot(QDate d)" I cannot compile the application.
I have a segmentation fault in the moc_*.cpp file, in the function "qt_invoke".
Can anyone tell me how to resolve the problem?




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Monday, December 13th 2004, 6:29pm

RE: KDatePicker and signals


Originally posted by Katamar
If I connect his signal "DateChanged(QDate)" to a slot called "datechangedslot(QDate d)"

Could you post that line in which you make connection?


I cannot compile the application.
I have a segmentation fault in the moc_*.cpp file, in the function "qt_invoke".

If you can't compile your application, what causes that segmentation fault then?
Could you show relevant compiler output?