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Thursday, December 9th 2004, 2:18am

Knoppix's QT

I have a problem with Knoppix QT. I've install a version of Knoppix on my computer, after that i start to use QT.

I notice that the Knoppix QT doesn't comes with examples. So i downloaded 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 ver of QT to my comp...(but still haven't install yet, since i have problem upgrading in red hat, abit worry and scare of compiling/upgrading it again) ?(;( ?(;( ;( ?(. I extracted these file and try to run thier examples program. Now i face a pig problem, when i'm compiling these examples, almost 40% can't be compile. It's say that some files need are missing.

I want to run those example again but dunno what to do ...i hope my problem can be solve...also plz not to tell me to upgrade coz i formatted my comp for that reason. Now im using QT ver 3.2.3.

Thanks in advance .. :) ;)
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Thursday, December 9th 2004, 6:41am

RE: Knoppix's QT

When I used a knoppix hd install I had to set QTDIR in my ~/.bashrc script. Also, you can use apt to install the examples. For example, apt-get install qt3-examples would do it.


Thursday, December 9th 2004, 7:03am

thanks for the solution but i have solve that problem ...

just need to copy the examples to the QT folders .... that's all

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
I know i'm not as good as you, but I've try too. :(
Gimme more time and I'll be as good as you. ;)