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How to reimplement KIO::SimpleJob ?
How to reimplement KIO::SimpleJob to do my own actions ?
What kind of job do you want to implement?
Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User
I want to divide some process into jobs. For example, first job decodes an image and calls addSubJob(new myJob()), the second job will decode the second image an so on. I neednt' call any of KIO jobs within my job (like KIO::stat, etc). Thanks.
I might be misunderstanding something, but I think this is not a use case for KIO jobs.
KIO Jobs are about transfering data and working on filesystem like structures (or simulating them).
The jobs work on KIO slaves, which do the actual manipulation.
However I am no expert on the KIO topic, so you might get better help on the kde-devel kfm-devel mailinglist.
Qt/KDE Developer
Debian User