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  • "Raevyn" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: Arizona

Occupation: Currency Trader

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Sunday, March 18th 2012, 9:32pm

A few display issues I have from 3 to 4


I am transitioning from 3.5 to 4.x and there are a few features missing or changed that I am hoping to maybe fix to more match to 3.5. Obviously I am aware it wont be exactly the same, but I do want to try to approximate it as best I can.

1. Is there a way to get the desktop menu back in 4 from what was in 3? I dont mean the menu that would display the different applications that are highlighted menus but rather, the static one that was very similar to MacOS Finder. I have attached a screenshot to show what menu I am referring to.

2. The icons on the system tray do not seem to be able to change in size like they could in 3.5.. is there a way to do this?

3. GTK apps are even uglier in 4 than in 3.5. Boxy with terrible shadows. Any ideas to make them cleaner again?

4. My panels do not seem to be able to use an image file to change.. is that normal?

5. My clock is set to display the date as well and I seem to have an issue with the time overlapping the date, and the fonts, size, and colours do not match. When I was researching I noticed the date doesnt seem to be display customizable as in 3.5.. is that the case or is there something I could do? I included a screenshot for that as well.
Raevyn has attached the following images:
  • Panel Menu.png
  • Date.png