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Thursday, January 5th 2012, 8:19pm


Please excuse my rant if this is not the proper venue. I have had KDE as my gui since about 2004. Until about two years ago, I had been using KDE3 with great success and I was happy with how customisable it was for my horrible eyesight. I was able to customise EVERY colour of every aspect of the gui, I had no idea it would change. The OS I had been using for years was Fedora 8. Two years ago, it was finally so old that I was not able to get updates and such for it, so I was forced to move into a more recent version. After trying numerous Fedora editions beyond 8, I became quite frustrated because many of the commands had been changed. Kcontrol no longer exists; that was always the first command I would run when installing FC8. But the newer versions of Fedora looked all pretty and soft like WINDOWS!!!!!! GRRRR!!!! FRUSTRATION!!!!!
I was quite fond of KDE3 because it was a basic gui. I simply needed to change a few of the colours to make it easier for me to see. Even after two years of using openSUSE with KDE4, there are still 'effects' that I cannot figure out how to disable. I do not want my gui to be pretty or fancy or soft like WINDOWS!!!!!! GRRRR!!!! FRUSTRATION!!!!! Why has this happened? Does noone else get on their computers to get something done with a simple usable interface?
The Gnome gui was, eh, ok, but not as many options for configuration. And the new version of Gnome is WHORRRE-IBLE. That should be shipped with an instruction manual. None of it makes sense, like WINDOWS!!!!!! GRRRR!!!! FRUSTRATION!!!!!! Aside from going back to straight command-line, are there better options for a simple, no limitations, customisable graphical user interface?
Thanks and I look forward to interacting with the Kommunity and hopefully using an easier KDE gui.