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Saturday, June 18th 2011, 8:09am

Kate: a disappointing revamp


I have been a fun of Kate for years but I must say that I find the new version quite disappointing: I even thought downgrading to Debian Lenny for this reason. Here are a few examples:

- Sometimes the editor starts to type in the reverse order and there is no way to recover the normal behaviour but to quit and restart.
- The number of changes done in a replacement is not displayed anymore (or I can't find it).
- There is a bug in replacement option 'selection only' that makes it unavailable if not done in one shot ('replace all'): the 'next' button sends you back to the beggining of the document instead of sticking at the selection.
- The files keep opened in UTF8 even when I choose the Western encoding in the preferences.

I hope that these (and other) defects can be corrected in the future.