It's not a good news that Kmail still doesn't support RTL (right to left) languages such as Persian and Hebrew! (Maybe it supports and I don't know. If it supports please let me know). I've searched but didn't find any useful information to solve this problem. I also tried to use external editor (like 'gvim') and compose the messages in HTML format (with css style modification "direction: rtl;") but when I save the message in 'gvim', the content of message in Kmail editor doesn't change and it remains blank!
This feature is very important. Please help!
What should I do? Is there any solution or there is a future plan to add this feature to Kmail or I should migrate to another mail client like Thunderbird (I don't like Thunderbird!
At least, like this forum's editor, It's good to have a 'Source code' tab in Kmail editor to modify html source code!