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Friday, September 10th 2010, 12:04pm

A question about fonts

This may not quite be the right place to discuss this, but where else - at least in the context of KDE?

So - I want to use a font that I have made; actually, I haven't, but I have taken two TrueType fonts (hannom-a and hannom-b) and merged them (in FontForge). In total there are some 75000 glyphs, which is more than is supported by any current font format. I need this (for a certain value of "need") in order to display all Chinese characters currently supported by Unicode - I realise that for my special application, I could get away with using two fonts and sort of switch between them, but that is not the right way.

So, is there a way to change the fundamental font management in KDE (or X)? Like, coding a plugin or something? Or can I tell the system (ie X or KDE) that UTF-8 characters up to 0xffff should be represented by one font, and characters above from another?