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Wednesday, August 25th 2010, 9:32am

KDE doesn't seem to respect xgeometry settings in dualhead configuration

On my laptop when I plug in an external monitor / projector and configure the screen in dualhead mode with the screen side by side KDE doesn't seem to respect the geometry option properly and allow windows to be placed on the second screen. As long as the geometry setting allows the window to be wholly within the first screen all is well but if you try to place the window on the second screen it just ends up somewhere on the first one.


xeyes -geometry 200x100+100+100 works fine - you get a 200x100 pixel window located at 100,100


xeyes -geometry 200x100+1280+0 should locate the window on the top left of the 2nd screen but it is placed on the first

This appears to be a bug

This works as expected and as it did in kde3 provided the 2nd monitor was plugged in at the time X11 started, if the monitor is configured after this time then KDE positions the windows incorrectly.

In addition KDE doesn't detect changes to the geometry of the 2nd screen - for instance if it was there when kde started but is unplugged or disabled you can place windows "on it". Equally if the 2nd screen has its resolution changed the desktop on the second screen remains at the original resolution (although the mouse is free to roam over the entire screen).

For desktop uses this is a minor problem. If you use a laptop and want to do presentations it is killer -

I am using kde 4.4.2, nvidia twinview and nvidia settings