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Thursday, August 12th 2010, 4:47pm

Mounting data CD recognized as a Music CD

Yesterday I was copying a set of CD's to the hard drive of my machine. They all contain several MP3 files and nothing else. Most times they mounted correctly as data files and I was able to quickly copy the data off of them. However, on a few occasions, KDE did not recognize the CD as a data CD. Instead, it thought it was a Music CD which means that I couldn't just access the data from Dolphin. I quickly found out that I could get around this by mounting the CD from the command line after creating a directory to serve as a mount point. But, it scares me to think that this could happen to some of the non techy people I have installed Linux for.

Have any of you seen this issue? It would be nice to have an option for how to mount a CD.
-- Worst than not knowing is not wanting to know. --


Wednesday, May 2nd 2012, 4:46am

to the hard drive of my machine. They all contain several MP3
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files and nothing else. Most times they mounted correctly as data files and I was able to quickly copy the data off of them. However, on a few occasions, KDE did not recognize the CD as a data CD. Instead, it thought it was a Music CD which means that I couldn't just access the data from Dolphin. I quickly found out that I could get around this by mounting the CD from the command line after creating a directory to serve as a mount point. But, it scares me to think that this could happen to some of the non techy people I have installed Linux for.