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Monday, July 19th 2010, 4:23pm

KDE screenlock problem


First time poster. I've recently installed Centos 5.4 on a box which is running KDE 3.5.4. One of the requirements at my facility is that we
use screenlock. Per a management decision, the screenlock was decided to activate after 3 hours of idle time (yes, I know this is a long time, but that was the decision of management). Since the boxes are installed identically using kickstart, I set the screenlock lock time in the /usr/share/config/kdesktoprc file using the LockGrace and Timeout settings:


Note: for the tests below, I didn't use the [$i] value which would lock the config and not allow gui changes.

The issue I'm having is that no matter what the Timeout value is set to, the screensaver (and then the screenlock) kicks in after 20 minutes of idle time. The system works fine if I set the screensaver activate time to some value smaller than 20 minutes, but if the maximum lock time exceeds 20 minutes, it seems the system ignores the Timeout setting and locks.

I've tried setting the option via the Desktop. I've selected the the Screen Saver option under Desktop and checked the boxes "Start Automatically" and the "Require password to stop". I've set the RequirePasswordToStop to a value of 60 seconds and set the time to activate the screensaver to 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 60 minutes, etc., and the same problem exists.

I've been googling and I can't find anything useful. I'm assuming this is a bug because the kde gui's allow you to set an activate screen saver time
greater than 20 minutes, but this value is ignored. Is there a maximum screenlock value set somewhere that I can override?

I'm puzzled on this one. Perhaps I'm missing the obvious. Any help would be appreciated.