I've just upgraded Ubuntu from Karmic to Lucid, and the first thing that happens is that it complains about a broken package. oxygen-icon-theme refuses to install. In Synaptic, when I try to install it, it says (in Swedish):
E: /var/cache/apt/archives/oxygen-icon-theme_4%3a4.4.2-0ubuntu2_all.deb: kunde inte skapa säkerhetskopierad länk av "./usr/share/icons/oxygen/22x22/actions/go-first-view-page.png" innan den nya versionen installeras
That is, it fails to create a backup link of /usr/share/icons/oxygen/22x22/actions/go-first-view-page.png. This in turn leads to configurations not being made, which leads to several crucial KDE packages that depend on oxygen-icon-theme not working. It won't let me install anything whatsoever until I fix this.
The file /usr/share/icons/oxygen/22x22/actions/go-first-view-page.png when I run ls -l in its folder:
?-wSrwx--- 440 26112 61835 2389104782 1945-10-28 05:29 go-first-view-page.png
Does anyone know anything about this?