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Saturday, September 12th 2009, 6:10pm

plasmoids/widgets won't keep location after restart

I carefully customized my desktop for multiple folder views and such, probably spent far more time than I should have. But the entire time I was keeping in mind that I can 'lock' the widgets and they will forever stay in their permanent locations and sizes unless I decide to intervene. I was actually getting to like this whole plasma desktop concept. Then I restarted my computer and all of the widgets became the same size and just cascaded over each other on the desktop and still in their 'locked' state. I've searched high and low for a solution and can't find one. If I have to customize the size and location of each widget every time I start my machine then I'm going to have to downgrade to 3.5 and that makes me sad. Anyone have a suggestion?

/Hoping this is the right section to post this..

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "supermanflew" (Sep 12th 2009, 6:50pm)