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Monday, April 13th 2009, 2:36pm

Konqueror Problems -,

Is there any prospect for fixing Konqueror failures on the two referenced websites? On maps... there are no maps, and on ebay it simply crashes disgracefully when you try to enter the control panel. And I notice that if you refresh a certain webpage (like a forum) over a couple of days Konqueror gets very unstable, blinking tabs, failing to Back, and failing to render parts of the page.

I've used Konqueror for years, but these problems are getting worse and I'm concerned that it won't get better with the focus on KDE4. KDE4.2 is simply not usable yet, as so many things are missing.

Is there any hope for Konqueror? Must I switch to Iceape?


Tuesday, April 14th 2009, 11:50pm

Is no one suffering from the same Konqueror misery that I am?

It just freakin' crashed again with 8 tabs that I don't remember what they were anymore, but were open questions I had on forums.



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Saturday, May 23rd 2009, 3:10am

Yes I have the same problems.
I am running 3.5.9 on Gentoo and I have never been able to get to work with javascript.
my ebay also crashes konqueror
I first noticed the Google maps last november.
I dont think it is in install specific problem.
It is just the Konqueror devs are passing the buck.