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  • "dulwithe" started this thread

Posts: 1

Location: Canada / Japan

Occupation: International Relations

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Thursday, December 11th 2008, 5:08pm

KWord - Japanese text wrap...

Hello All,

I am trying to create a bilingual document (English/Japanese) in Kword. I have separate text boxes for areas of English and Japanese. The English text can be formatted with left, center, right, or justified alignment. The Japanese text can only be left, center, or right - justification does not work.

But, the main issue is a BIG PROBLEM!!

The Japanese text does not wrap properly at the right margin. Some of the lines wrap okay where they should, but about 5 to 10% of the lines have 1, 2, or 3 characters that do not wrap and "hang" to the right - outside of the text box!

The 2 big problems this causes are:

1) the formatting looks AWFUL.
2) when using text boxes, the "hanging" characters are not visible, meaning the text cannot be read properly.

I expect this is a problem with the word processor's handling of Japanese fonts. Perhaps the spacing of each character is not properly recognized.

Can anyone offer any help?



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