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Problem with display output querying in KDE 4.1 (Monitor hotplug utility)
I'm running the beta version of Kubuntu 8.10, and I am quite impressed with the maturity of KDE 4.1. However it broke after I installed all the updates that were available straight after the installation. Some program was added with one of the updates that queries all the outputs on the computer (it's a laptop with an ATI X700 Radeon) every ten seconds. That makes the external monitor that is connected to the VGA output go blank for a second every ten seconds. Is there some way to disable this utility or uninstall it?
Just to make myself more clear: This new utility that breaks KDE for me checks if a monitor has been connected to an output every ten seconds and makes the external screen go blank every time it checks this. If a monitor has been connected in the meantime it gives me an option to ignore it or open the configuration utility to configure the monitor. This is the feature I would like to disable.