I'm really enjoying KDE4, just have a few questions.
I'm using 4.1 on kubuntu 8.04.
- I love the folder view plasmoid. Brilliant. Now, is there a way to make it collapse, or hide, or hide all folder views? This would be like the ultimate in both tidiness and functionality for me - fast access to files when I need it, a totally clean desktop the rest of the time.
- How do I get the panel to another part of the screen? I can't seem to drag it around anymore like in KDE3
- I can't drag icons from the menu to the panel, I can only add them by r-click->add to panel. can that be turned on again?
- There's a lot of threads about this all over the place, but is there a definitive fix? If I use an account which has used KDE3 before, all the menu categories are ? icons. They come back if I change themes - but I love the Oxygen theme!
- I can't make the panel smaller, only bigger. I figured out how to get into widget-editing-mode and dragged the bar down, and it became about 400 or 500 pixels high. But can't make it smaller again, have to delete it and make a new one.
- Are there admin control panels? I don't see anything for User management, for example ... I feel like that should be there, maybe I have to reinstall something?
- When will Dolphin be as good as Konqueror?