openSUSE 11.0, KDE4.1.1 nightly build repository
after my last update (about a week ago) i gave the nightly build a try. Wondered about, that 5 components could not be installed, because no qt4 lib of some V2 version was available. Told yast to solve this in this way: not install those. The rest of kde4.1.1 components was installed.
The next boot showed a little desaster. no task panel, no background picture, but thx to intuition: a lonely console window hangs around.
Why this thread?
- Want to communicate, that there is a mixed state since today. I suppose that i saw the first elements of KDE4.2
- have a trouble, because i don't know, how to come back (or forward) to a working desktop
Some hints are very welcome to handle maybe two strategies, having ONLY a console
- first of all i will need to establish an internet connection
-> how to do this with console? i can start kinternet, but without button i can't use it
- strategy forward and hoping to find the qt4 lib this night needs
-> this might be possible with yast in the console
- strategy backward to last week or kde4.1.1 stable
-> think i must deactivate the daily repository and replace by stable kde4.1.1 repo
where to do so? and what repo?
Well, there is also a timing problem concerning "establish internet". Since i must know this, BEFORE I'm coming home tonight, I would appreciate a fast answer about this issue