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Monday, September 8th 2008, 3:42pm

[Konqueror] Google apps: can read but can't write

I just installed KDE 4.1 on my laptop but I'm experiencing some problems with Konqueror (4.1).
First, I can't use any google apps. For example Gmail. Now this is pretty well known and I found many people saying that the problem can be solved by changing the browser identification to Firefox or Safari. Well, if I do this, the Gmail inbox is loaded and I can correctly read emails. I can't compose emails though. I simply cannot type anything. Same holds for Google Notebook.

Second, I can't select text in frames. For example if I open a post in a forum (e.g., where is attached a code snippet, I can't copy/paste the code because I simply cannot select it.Does anybody have my same problems and is there a solution?

Thanks in advance


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