Hi, as you can see I'm new in this web, and I think it's the first time I post in a forum looking for help.
I'm Argentinian and my native language isn't english, so excuse me for my grammar.
Here is the deal:
I want my wallpaper in dekstop NÂș 2 to be the output of some comand (and to refresh it regularly), or something like that. I had the idea of using DCOP but I couldnt figure out how to ouput text in the background, so I came up with this: an script that outputs the text I want in a SVG image, and then refreshing the desktop with DCOP ! But unfortunately I discovered that kdesktop doesn't supports text tags in an SVG, and there is the problem.
I'm asking for a way of puting the output of a command as a regular wallpaper that refreshes regularly (like "watch 'cat /var/log/syslog' " for example).
It can be DCOP, a plugin/patch for kdesktop to display text of the SVG or anything else (I would prefer kdesktop to display text from SVG pictures, because I love scripting with Awk xP).