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  • "jimmi" started this thread

Posts: 6

Location: Italy

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Sunday, August 10th 2008, 12:24pm

With KD4.1 suspend to RAM has some flaw


I recently switched from KDE 3.5.9 to 4.1, following the switch of ArchLinux packages, and I'm happy with the change except for two problems: a performance issue, I think related to my NVIDIA graphic, and the suspend to RAM that was perfectly working and now is not able to resume the network card anymore.

Strange enough this second problem not only force me to reboot (restarting KDE does not solve) but also lock in someway the FON router I'ìm using to connect to the home LAN, that must be restarted too. This never happened before.

The hardware involved is:
Laptop hp dv2172
CPU intel core 2 duo t5500 1, 66 ghz
Graphic nvidia geforce go 7200
Integrated LAN intel pro/wireless 3945 802.11 a/b/g

Anybody may suggest me some debug procedure?

Thanks in advance



  • "jimmi" started this thread

Posts: 6

Location: Italy

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Tuesday, August 12th 2008, 12:18pm

S2ram works perfectly, with the KDE menu the problem still exists. Any suggestion? Is there a way to connect the KDE menu to S2ram?

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