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Thursday, August 7th 2008, 3:06am

KBluetooth Pin

I'm trying to sync my Nokia 6263 phone with Mandriva Spring 2008 using Bluetooth. I can see the phone in KBlueMon and can push files to it using OBEX, but when I try to sync a PIM or Amarok, the phone asks me for a PIN number. A little reading around suggests that I may not be getting a dialogue box from KBluePin. Apparently the dialogue box allows me to set the pin, which I would then enter onto the phone.

Does this make sense? Anyone have a solution?



Saturday, September 20th 2008, 6:05pm

Another way to change the pin is to go to the terminal in super user mode and type;

kwrite /etc/bluetooth/pin

Also you could just try typing 1234 which is the default.