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Tuesday, August 5th 2008, 10:08pm

Effecient usage of panel space - two rows, smaller buttons, ....

Hi, I'd like to have two rows of panel at the bottom and have it use sharper fonts and stuff, is that possible?

I made an image that explains it all and compares my panel of KDE 3.5 (RIP :() and the panel of KDE 4.1 I have now:…ficiencyad3.png

Does this image make somewhat clear what I mean? Is it possible to have the same "space-efficient" panel in KDE 4.1? If not, is it planned to have the possibility one day?


Wednesday, August 6th 2008, 2:56am

It is not possible for now, but work is going on. You can actually add panels, but when you move a new panel to the bottom, the new one is before the old one.
But be sure that this will be worked out.
Btw., why is your clock needing too much space with date on? for it doesn't, the date is only under the time, no more space used.


Wednesday, August 6th 2008, 6:45pm

These plasmoids/widgets will help:

Multirow task manager


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