Hi there!
I've just installed KDE 4.1 on openSUSE 11.0 via 1-click-install. If desktop effects are enabled, the small Krunner window stays invisible when I run the app. I know it got launched because the taksbar shows the "window" (I don't know how is it called) from which I can right-click and close. This also happens with the removable media window, the one that lists USB drives and such: it stays invisible when desktop effects are enabled.
If I open Krunner or the removable media window and then disable desktop effects, they both "appear".
I have an ATI card, Mobility Radeon 9700. All desktop effects work (they are slow and clumbsy compared to compiz fusion, but they work).
I've searched around, but I found no one with a similar problem. Any idea on what is happening here?