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  • "n_ezdiani" started this thread

Posts: 6

Location: Malaysia

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Friday, July 2nd 2004, 8:14am

Doxygen & kdelibs documentation


While configuring the latest version of kdevelop(/home/nani/Documents/downloads/kdevelop),
i've encountered some error as below:

"You have no kdelibs documentation generated by Doxygen installed.
You should install Doxygen from, reconfigure
and rebuild the kdelibs sources. You should 'make apidox' and
'make install' in your kdelibs build dir, and then rerun this
configure script.

Good - your configure finished. Start make now"

Eventhough there's an error occured, how come "Good - your configure finished. Start make now"
appeared? Can i just continue with "make"? What would happen? Another thing is, I need help
with translating the error into simple words because I'm kinda confused right now.
I've already installed Doxygen successfully and I've already downloaded
the latest kdelibs source file. Both Doxygen & kdelibs source files are
in the same folder(/home/nani/Documents/downloads).But what does it mean
"reconfigure and rebuild the kdelibs sources"? Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm just supposed
to configure and compile it in the root of kdelibs itself right? But while configuring, this error

"checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2) (library qt-mt) not found.
Please check your installation!
For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log.
Make sure that you have compiled Qt with thread support!"

And furthermore, how am I supposed to "make apidox" & "make install" in my kdelibs build dir? Actually
where exactly is this "kdelibs build dir" is? I've already tried
"make apidox" & "make install" in the kdelibs source file but this error has occured:

"[nani@localhost kdelibs-3.2.3]$ make apidox
make: *** No rule to make target `apidox'. Stop."

Thanx in advance.