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Tuesday, July 15th 2008, 8:16pm

Odd desktop resolution problem

Hi all,

I have a strange issue with KDE4 going on. I have a Dell D830 laptop with a widescreen monitor with a max resolution of 1920x1200. Xorg has the correct resolution however some setting within KDE4 seems to be over-riding it. When I am at the KDM screen, the login screen spans the entire 1920x1200. As soon as I log into KDE4, the task bar spans the entire width, but the actual desktop only spans about 3/4 of the way over. I cannot seem to figure out how to get the desktop to span the entire width of the monitor. I can use the mouse on the far right of the monitor to change the clock, but where the desktop background ends, it won't take any right-clicks or anything. I can maximize the windows to the full capacity of the monitor, but the actual desktop background gets shrunk and the little widgets icon in the upper right is about 3 inches away from the actual width of the monitor.

Oddly enough, if I log out of KDE4 and log into GNOME the desktop is normal and works just fine.

Any ideas?


Friday, July 25th 2008, 6:21pm

There seem to be a problem in the containments. Try to edit ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc. There is something like this:

Source code


edit the geometry part to fit your needs, restart KDE and see if it helps.


Tuesday, August 12th 2008, 1:05pm

I'm having a simular problem. The Containments are set correct, and KDM loads correctly, but when KDE4.1 loads it thinks the resolution is ~2000x800 rather than the 1280x800 xorg setting

the taskbar and widgets stick to the correct resolution and the moment i load of the display control pannel the resolution automatically switches the the xorg setting - even without me having to manually specify a display size and applying the change.

this causes a knock on problem with both Compiz and KDEs desktop effects - if i have them auto start the screen goes blank (presumably because KDE/compiz is forcing the graphics card to display a screen area large than the screen?) however if i load KDE is software mode then load the display control pannel (as described above) then load compiz / enable KDE desktop effects, then the effects render perfectly.

so in my inexperienced guess - it looks like it's KDE a startup configuration file over-riding xorg, but i have no idea which config file to check (or even if this best guess is in any way accurate).

any ideas?




Sunday, August 17th 2008, 12:57pm


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