In kmail one can leave messages on POP3 server:
1) during certain amount of time
2) limit by total amount of last messages
3) limit by total size of last messages
- neither option satisfies me.
I would like to keep only those messages which I have not deleted manually in my local inbox folder. So, when I delete emails in local inbox folder they will be deleted automatically during the next connection session with POP3s server. Is it possible?
Well, I am aware of IMAP account type but there are some reasons because of which I do not want to use IMAP. For instance, without manual sorting out of thousands messages in existing local kmail folders (and one huge inbox on mail server side), is there safe way to migrate from POP3 account type to IMAP (my email provider supports both POP3s & IMAP types)?
platform FreBSD amd64
KDE: 3.5.8
kmail: 1.9.7