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Monday, June 30th 2008, 1:56am

Konqueror 4 Extensions

Hi all,

I have been using konqueror as my primary web browser for a while now and do like it enough to stick with it for a long time. I am though a bit disappointed by the lack of extensions available for konqueror, as i believe are some of the other users.

I have read in some forums that in the KDE 4 release, they will be making it *easier* to write extensions to Konqueror. Is this true and does anybody have any additional information regarding this. I want to write some extensions, but i cannot find any documentation or help. Does anybody have a any resources that might be helpful. ??

any help is appreciated



Wednesday, July 16th 2008, 5:17am

RE: Konqueror 4 Extensions

Hi all,

I have been using konqueror as my primary web browser for a while now and do like it enough to stick with it for a long time. I am though a bit disappointed by the lack of extensions available for konqueror, as i believe are some of the other users.

I have read in some forums that in the KDE 4 release, they will be making it *easier* to write extensions to Konqueror. Is this true and does anybody have any additional information regarding this. I want to write some extensions, but i cannot find any documentation or help. Does anybody have a any resources that might be helpful. ??

any help is appreciated


Could be good news! I was just thinking about how plugins for Konqueror could resolve my greatest misgivings about KDE4!