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Tuesday, April 15th 2008, 3:37am

Konqueror as secondary

Something I really hate about Konqueror is that if it is not the default program associated with something, it always asks who should open it, even for directories and web pages. I can't browse the web with Konqueror, because every time I click a link, Konqueror asks me what to do with it (and Konqueror doesn't offer to use itself to view it).

When I use Opera, it doesn't ask me every time I click a link whether I want to save the page or open the page in Firefox. When a Windows user has Firefox installed, but IE set as the default, if they explicitly open something in Firefox, then Firefox won't ask the user if they want to open a web page in IE every time they click a link. And you what? They shouldn't, because it doesn't make any sense.

I'm trying to use Konqueror's fish: protocol support (because it's nicer than in Kubuntu 7.10's build of Dolphin), but Konqueror is forcing me to navigate around by typing in the address bar. It's very frustrating.

Is there some way I can get Konqueror to handle directories and web pages, without setting Konqueror as the default for those things?