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  • "Tillin9" started this thread

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Location: Middletown, CT

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Sunday, March 30th 2008, 4:30am

QToolbar vs. KDE::Toolbar

I'm trying to make a cross platform application GUI with a Qt based KDE look and feel. I'm running into the issue that when I make a toolbar via Qt Designer its a QToolbar and I really want a KDE::Toolbar.

First, how different are the two classes? I'm finding it hard to find where KDE::Toolbar is actually defined. This comes from everyone confusing kpanel with a KDE toolbar and cluttering up searches.

As I'd prefer not to have to link against the KDE libraries (and run into portability issues) when the normal Qt libs are good enough for 99% of what I need, I'm hoping I can simply extend QToolbar manually to get a toolbar which looks like KDE::Toolbar. Of course, without knowing how the class is actually defined I don't know how realistic this actually is.