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Monday, November 19th 2007, 12:36am

KJots emptied. Why?

Hi. Up until two weeks ago I used KJots for all kinds of notes, small and large. Then one day, all notes were just gone without a trace (and I mean it -- I even did a raw plaintext search for some keywords on the harddrive). I don't know if the .book file was new or written over, since I never had reason to look into how notes were stored before this.

I hadn't really used the computer at all since I last used KJots -- I just opened it, read some notes, and upon opening it a few hours later they were gone. No software upgrades, barely any applications started or exited. I'm the only user.

Any idea what may have caused this? (I use KJots 0.7, KDE 3.5.7, Qt 3.3.8, FreeBSD 6.2.)