I don't have volume OSD at all anymore when I control the volume from the keyboard, and when I did, it wouldn't show up when I configured anything other than PCM to be controlled with the keyboard keys.
When I first installed Kubuntu, the keyboard volume controls seemed locked on the PCM channel. The PCM channel doesn't have a mute option for me, in Kmix, and the mute button on the keyboard wouldn't mute anything (although it would show a Mute on screen display).
The solution seemed to be selecting Front to be the master channel, which could mute, but selecting Front as the Master channel wouldn't make the keyboard control it as such.
So I tried a lot of experimenting, various combinations of sound settings, and global shortcuts. When I finally found the right clicking of Front bring up its own shortcut menu, I'm leaning that that setting there was what finally got it to do what I wanted (but for all I know it was the restart that did it.
I don't want to get possibly redundant with details of what I did, (
ubuntu forums, another
post here) at various points I changed the shortcuts, changed the sound to ALSA from autodetect, and disabled (and now reenabled) kmilo. Kmilo is currently on and running again.
My volume keys function like I want to, kmix is set to Front as the master channel, the keys are mapped to Master Channel (I don't know why that works now), the sound is set to ALSA and Kmilo is enabled. But I don't have OSD anymore.
Can I have OSD for volume when anything other than PCM is selected as the master channel? If so, how?