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a freind and I are working on developing an eaier way to Load java and falsh on to the 64 bit machines.
the process involves reconfiguring the system and fooling the system in loading the 32 bit fire fox bowser.
Our goal is to see that users of 64 bit machines arnt left out in the "cold" when it comes to soem of the awome sight that the web has to offer .
so far we have mannaged to encorperate an auto install feature that is realitively pain less
yet it only seems to have worked on a freshly installed version of HDE with out doing the updates first.
I would like to know waht people think of this idea.
So far my system has been opperational for 6 hours and no issues.
Opperating KDE in 64 bit mode with Gutsy..
and jsut for curiostiy Iam putting a pole in lol
I am Operating a Dell Dimension 5150 Currently operating in 64 bit mode
D:Currently Java and Flash Enabled