Hi All,
I'm a newbie in linux. I have my notebook installed OpenSUSE 10.2, and I use KDE as my desktop manager. I have Kopete run as my instant messenger, and have Kwallet to save my password for kopete. But I didn't understand how kwallet working. I thought it was just a password remembrance, so I got confused why it always asks for password if I want to run kopete? So I delete kopete folder in kwallet. Since then my kopete didn't work. I uninstalled it and reinstalled again from KDE repo, but still got me nowhere.
I've tried to run it from konsole, and it wrote like this:
~> kopete
14718: Warning: unresolved direct binding for symbol '_ZN9KLineEdit17mouseReleaseEventEP11QMouseEvent' (error 0)
kopete: symbol lookup error: /opt/kde3/lib/libkopete.so.1: undefined symbol: _ZN9KLineEdit17mouseReleaseEventEP11QMouseEvent
Could any of you have any idea of what should I do to get it back to work again? Thank you in advance.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "aribowo" (Jun 28th 2007, 2:10am)