Howdy (first post in here
Well... I'm trying to switch to Konqueror, which I must say is really nice (really quick, smart features, beautiful, well integrated... thanks to the devs... could not bear fx anymore)... but the lack of history clearing also annoys me...
I'm basically upset when my web browser retains anything across sessions...
Having a quite large connection (full ADSL2+), I deactivated the cache in the settings (perfect to me...)...
I also told Konqueror to consider all cookies as session cookies, which makes them disappear across Konqueror exit & restart... good to me, as some sites (especially market sites) need them, at least for the session...
... but as for the history, I cannot manage to get it really cleaned...
If I tell Konqueror to retain history for 0 days, the length box becomes gray and unusable... well, so, I told it to retain zero elements in the history...
But it as the same effect as retaining one element, and not zero... there always is one element that remains in the history, wether I choose 0 or 1 element to remember...
So the solution I now use is to go back to google's or any dummy considerable page before exiting... though I'd prefer not having this effort to perform
... Anything I missed, that could help me getting sure the history always gets cleaned up, either on exit, or even preferably never stored?