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Tuesday, May 29th 2007, 1:37am

KDE-3D, can it happen?

Our games are in 3D, with amazing detail at breakneck speeds on your average ATI or nVidia graphics card, (and even software render, for that matter!), so why not the desktop? I'm not much of a coder, but I do have an idea for a three-dimensional "desktop" , which could find its use in different fields (and would just be plain cool for the home and office user). For now, until things evolve a bit, your keyboard and mouse would suffice to do most tasks with the 3D environment with Hotkeys (similar to a CAD program such as Blender), and those of you who have the gaming gloves can use that to manipulate the 3D "windows" with your hands via what would look to be hand jestures (for example, if you want to move and turn a window, you just reach out and grab it, then do whatever you want, and to resize, you grab a corner and pull it out or push it in). Also, that may speed the development of holograms, but you never know. ;)


Tuesday, May 29th 2007, 3:19pm

as long as the screen is 2D, i don't see any point in 3D desktops.

Did you look at SUN Looking Glass? That project aims to create a 3D desktop.
Help mee om KDE 3.5.5 in het Nederlands te vertalen


Tuesday, June 12th 2007, 5:10pm

KDE 3D Desktop??

I am an advocate of candy factor and wow charm. But one thing KDE developers is missing is the fact that running KDE in an average PC is getting too painfully slow.
I remember when no long ago people was parroting that Linux could run in very old PCs and mocking on "Microsuck Winsucks" saying that only the top PC could run that software. Look at Linux and KDE now. These have become the most indecent fatest hogs that need lots of resources, and you are still asking KDE for 3D desktop!

C'mon guys, I know you can do better. For example, make KDE more responsive (look for example: when I insert a CD music I have to wait like close to one minute to see the cd player application finally appearing). No. definitely I disagree with bloating KDE more than it is now. The wow factor is last priority in my opinion.

Athlon XP-mobile 1900+ running at 1.6 GHz
Maxei DeVraie


Wednesday, June 13th 2007, 2:53am

That's a good point. We do need to conserve resources, and I would like a better way to specify what I do want to run and what I don't (better streamlining, in essence), since I am not an ultra-advanced user. Wow-factor is good, but to get more bang out of it, better switchgear must be implemented, at least for us rookies, anyway. 8)

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "lectraplayer" (Jun 13th 2007, 2:54am)