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Sunday, May 20th 2007, 7:51am

taskbar to offer customizable OnMouseOver action


I'll start by explaining what is the use case. I have made a little script that toggles the screen saver on/off and added an icon to the KDE3 taskbar that calls the script. So clicking it will toggle the screen saver.

Now, what I want is that when I move mouse on top of my 'Toggle Screensaver' -icon, it could display whether the screen saver is on or off.

Basically the taskbar would provide OnMouseOver event that could be configured to run a script. The script could be anything, e.g. for Firefox icon it could detect how many active foxes' there are running already, for OpenOffice icon it could display how many open documents there are. There are endless possibilities. For my case, it would display whether the screen saver is on or off.

I don't know what is the KDE4 taskbar going to be, but to throw in some ideas, it could be that each taskbar button has a config item just like Desktop icons have the [Desktop Entry]. Those would describe the actions for the mouse events (among other things like Description, Icon, etc.). It would be cool if the description could include the possible output of the OnMouseOver script.

The default behaviour could be just to ignore the OnMouseOver event. It is up to distro makers and users to do whatever they feel like with the OnMouseOver feature, KDE just provides the possibility to do it.
