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Wednesday, May 16th 2007, 6:48pm

e-Mail as an Event with OVERDUE alarming


One useful suggestion and implementation proposal for the e-mails seen as events, that could be first implemented by the kmail:

An email could be given an OVERDUE time/date field, meaning:
- that receiver should response until that date (time) by sending a repy
- that sender is alarmed that receiver did not reponse yet!

In this case, an email with assigned overdue date/time may be treated as an event, that could be automatically added to the TODO list within the korganiser, and helps to organise senders (creators) who did not response yet (primary meaning of such function) and helps receivers to organise emails and tasks by overdue priorities.

Implementation stages:


1. kmail adds a feature, set overdue date/time (which somehow adds to the request dispossition notification)

2. kmail adds a feature, overdue collection and alarming of emails for which replies have not been received


3. kmail adds a feature, overdue collection and alarming of emails that should be responded, sorted in a list by priorities

4. kmail exports data to the organiser/calendar todo list

In this way, even if receiver's email client does not support the overdue feature it helps senders/creators to be aware who hasn't responded yet. In the second stage it helps receivers to organise their tasks.
