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Monday, May 7th 2007, 6:49am

K3b problem

I'm not sure this is really a k3b problem, but alas. I burnt a dvd with a pile of files on it. K3b told me the burn was succesful, listed no errors, so I deleted the stuff from my computer. Now, when I put the dvd into the computer I get told that no such file or folder exists, and looking and the dvd appears empty, however when I browse the dvd through k3b I can see all the files there, along with a pile of duplicates that shouldn't be there. But still if I try to drag the file and copy it from k3b to my desktop I get errors. Is there anyway I can recover the files on the dvd?




Posts: 127

Location: Slovenia

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Monday, May 7th 2007, 10:48am

Try to look at dmesg too see if your distro has problem recognising cd/dvds:
#sudo tail -f /var/log/messages
Insert a cd and watch what happens in log


Monday, May 7th 2007, 12:10pm

hi thanks for your reply.

I'll do that in the morning, getting late here. But just a thought, it's the only dvd it does it with. All the others, as well as two others I burnt at the same time load perfectly.



Posts: 127

Location: Slovenia

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Monday, May 7th 2007, 12:20pm

Because of that I'm interrested if it is properly recognised. Good night, reply when you get hands on problem.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "kriko" (May 7th 2007, 12:20pm)


Friday, May 11th 2007, 9:48am

i think I have worked it out. When I burnt the disk I included hidden files in the burning which I think has screwed it up.

I can access the dvd through XP with no problems. But when I try to access it through opensuse, it just comes up no such file or folder, unless I open it with k3b.

I tried burning the exact same files excluding the hidden files and it has burnt perfectly. But again, once I include the hidden files is where the trouble seems to be. Don't know what the hidden files are, something in either kopete or kmail.


Saturday, May 12th 2007, 11:57am

burning the mail directory of kmail can cause problems, because kmail uses characters in the directory/file names that aren't allowed on dvd's (also not on FAT-systems)

You can work around this issue by creating a tar archive of ~/.kde and burn it on the cd/dvd
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