I don't mean where the icons are located. KDE also look for icon themes in /usr/share/icons. That was not my question.
My questions was regarding the directory structure WITHIN each icon theme. The icon for a fix disc or a DVDROM, for example, is located either in "filesystems" or "places". The icon theme I got from kde-look.org, for example, has a "filesystems" subdirectory under each size, but freedesktop.org seems to suggests that those should be put in a subdirectory called "places" under each size.
Meanwhile, another interesting problem regarding icons arised that's related. I couldn't get the KDE to use the correct icon of my openoffice documents. For example, under the size 128x128, there are two files:
Source code
They are different files. One is meant for the application icon while the other for document icon. And for my MIMETYPE setting in /usr/kde/3.5/share/mimelnk/vnd.oasis.openoffice.document.desktop (side note, why does KDE uses .desktop instead of an xml file? I thought freedesktop.org wants xml.) has the line:
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KDE need up incorrectly using ooo_write.png in /apps rather than the one in /mimetypes
Can anyone shread some lights on the issue?