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kcminit error
Running slax on a USB stick. Every time I log in I get a crash handler window, something about kcminit. Backtrace doesn't yield much useful info.
My question is can I disable the crash handler? Can't seem to find any literature on this. It appears everything is working fine, I just want to eliminate the need to close the crash handler window every time I log in.
root@brain# cat -A world | grep "42"
RE: kcminit error
I have tracked the culprit down, it's kgamma. I see it's an integral part of kde graphics. I'll try an older module and see if that doesn't fix.
So the question now becomes how can I remove kgamma, or disable it's startup, should I continue to have problems?
Searching for the relative files I see a slew of things but no stand-along "kgamma" executable. I tried deleting everything that came up in the search, but the running process kept restoring certain gtk files.
Seeing as everything KDE is subordinate to other processes, "kgamma" does not show as an individual process I can kill.
And the developers say it's not available for individual download anymore, thus I can't compile the latest to see if that's the fix.
Either disable crash handler of disable/remove kgamma... any tips would be greatly appreciated.
root@brain# cat -A world | grep "42"
kgamma is an application that allows you to adjust the gamma value of your monitor.
No idea why it starts with your kde session.
You can checkout ~/.kde/Autostart and $KDEDIR/share/autostart if there is a file that starts up kgamma at login, and you can try to clean out older sessions (~/.kde/share/config/sessions and ~/.kde/share/config/ksmserverrc) and restart kde.
You can also try to delete ~/.kde/share/config/kgammarc
make sure kgamma is not running while deleting it (or kgamma wil place it back after you quit kde)
Help mee om
KDE 3.5.5 in het Nederlands te vertalen
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Rinse" (Mar 27th 2007, 8:21pm)
Thanks for the info, I'll give it another try.
Meantime I temporarily "fixed" it by downgrading the KDEgraphics module from 3.5.4 to 3.5.0. All the other modules I'm using are 3.5.4. I'll try the 5.4 module again, but delete the kgammarc before starting X and see if that fixes it. (nothing found in the autostart folders)
The problem really isn't with KDE, it's with the KDEgraphics module made for Slax. If the above doesn't fix, I'll just download the source and compile the module myself. Got this one off the Slax modules page... you never know.
Thanks for the help. Still learning how KDE ticks behind the scenes. Used XFCE for years until recently, when I finally obtained a machine with the horsepower to run KDE smoothly. I've used other window managers too, I have to say KDE is the one to give Microsoft a real run for the money! Hats off to the development team, with my gratitude.
root@brain# cat -A world | grep "42"