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Wednesday, February 21st 2007, 10:38pm

Help for a kde newbie

I just installed kubuntu a few days ago, and have only a small amount of prior experience with linux, which made this distro seem like a good starting point.

The only problem that I have had thus far is that when trying to play movie files I dont have the correct codecs. I downloaded the MPlayer Codecs and attempted to install them when I discovered that I have no root file manager access and have no idea how to get it. Kaffeine says it will look for the codecs in "/usr/lib/win32"

But I canot create the win32 folder or transfer a folder of the same name with the codecs in it to "/usr/lib"

Please help! :P


Wednesday, February 21st 2007, 10:42pm

you should start konqueror with sysadmin priviliges.

the command sudo konqueror should be sufficient.
Also check the systems submenu of your startmenu for konqueror in administrator mode.

The codecs go in /usr/lib/codecs or in /usr/lib/win32
on most systems, one is a symlink to the other.
Help mee om KDE 3.5.5 in het Nederlands te vertalen


Thursday, February 22nd 2007, 2:35am

thanks a bunch, i knew it was going to be something easy like that ^_^;