Seems to be a problem with how the trash can application is handled on the desktop. Although the trash can can be installed on the main panel, some users, including myself, prefer it on the desktop.
I created a "working" trashcan icon on the desktop using the following snippet of code:
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Contains removed files
The empty trashcan correctly changes its icon to full when I move a file to the trashcan and changes back to empty when I empty the trashcan or restore the file. However, after I restore the file, the trashcan no longer changes to full when subsequent files are moved to it, although opening the trashcan shows that the file has, indeed, been placed in the trash:/ directory. To restore proper functioning of the trashcan after restoring a file, I must empty it. Then it works correctly again.
The problem is that restoring a file from the trash can should not prevent it from showing itself in the "full" state when another item is placed in it.
Any thoughts as to how to overcome this problem? Thanks you in advance.