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Thursday, February 1st 2007, 9:51pm

Problem with Docker (SOLVED)

Okay, I'm an inbecil, I know.

I could not even explain how I got to do that. All I know is that I somehow DRAGGED Out all the icons that were docked on top of my Kicker ( namely, the skype , kopete, amarok and volume controller).

Point is that I do not know how to put them back and NO OTHER APPLICATION WILL DOCK.

Can anyone explain me how to get it back, or, if it isn't possible, lend me your working docker file so that I paste it in my system?

Pleaaaaase help me, I cannot start Beryl without docker :(

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "capricorn_tm" (Feb 1st 2007, 10:22pm)


Thursday, February 1st 2007, 10:22pm

OOOOPs, I fiddled around and founs the solution alone. Seem I just closed the system tray after all

Sorry to everyone :baby: