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  • "Lordandmaker" started this thread

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Tuesday, January 16th 2007, 7:08pm

squares with letters in appearing in KDE 3.5.2 under Ubuntu 6.06

I've posted this here on the presumption it's a config issue of some sort.

I keep getting this happening in seemingly arbitrary apps.

It only ever seems to happen in KDE apps (i can remember it happening in Konqueror, Kopete and Kontact/Kmail). It doesn't last between sessions, and isn't shared between multiple instances of the same app. In tabbed apps, it seems to affect different tabs differently, sometimes only one, other times each tab has a different pattern of letters.

The letters vary, but once they appear they stay the same.

I've no idea what triggers it, or gets rid of it. It'll just appear, and sometimes it's there for the life of the app, others it seems to arbitrarily dissapear.

Any ideas?

my xorg.conf is here