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  • "Saurabh" started this thread

Posts: 3

Location: India

Occupation: Software Engnieer

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Monday, January 8th 2007, 5:58am

Menu Items


This is my second post to this forum.. and I am surely hoping for a helpful pointer.....

Well I am looking for a generic answer to this one.. If I have to create Menu items for all users or for a logged in user(specific user) under KDE or GNome for that matter.. How can I go about it?

For all users I sort of know... I mean creating a menu file under /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/
and copying the corresponding Desktop and directory files under
/usr/share/applications/ & /usr/share/desktop-directories/ respectively, will make the menu items appear for all users.

Now, I want to restrict the installation to a particular user for almost all Linux flavours... SuSe, RedHat etc.

Any pointers?



Monday, January 8th 2007, 8:05am

if you place the menu file in the home directory of that specific user, only he/she will get the application in his/her menu.
You can place it somewhere in ~/.local of that user.

Regards, Rinse
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