Hi there,
Trying to install Beryl on my Debian Sid system, I'm encountering a problem. I've got an ATI graphics card so with no AIXGL support. So I would like to install Xgl instead of classical X server.
Doing it manually : Xgl + sleep 15 (to allow Xgl to start correctly) + xterm + startkde, no problem but when I start my Xgl session with this entry in kdmrc :
Source code
ServerCmd=/usr/bin/Xgl -fp /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc/ -br -ac -accel glx:pbuffer -accel xv:pbuffer
Xgl starts (mouse can be moved) but when its initialisation finished, it crash with this log in daemon.log :
Source code
Jan 4 11:35:16 localhost kdm[4839]: X server startup timeout, terminating
Jan 4 11:35:16 localhost kdm[4839]: X server for display :0 can't be started, session disabled
I tried to add the following lines to my kdmrc :
Source code
This change nothing at all. I would like to know why kdm is not succeed in contacting my X session in the given time (160 s) and how i can delayed start of kdm to allow my Xgl session to initialized itself !?
Thx, regards,