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Wednesday, January 3rd 2007, 2:41pm

menu items disappear

I experienced this strange problem today and thought someone here could enlighten me:

'm running KDE 3.2.2 on Solaris 9. My home directory is shared across the network. All things have been running fine for over 2 years now.
We are in the process of adding Red Hat 4. When I log in, RH sets me up for GNOME. Everything works fine on the RH machine.
I go back to my Solaris box, and all of my menu items are gone.

As it turns out, upon login, RH created a directory named '.config' in $HOME. It populated it with items to configure RH's menu system. However, it screwed up my KDE configuration. A little research showed that there is a 'config' directory under $KDEDIR/share that has items for the menu system. I tried copying them to $HOME/.config, but that didn't work.

I understand what is going on (KDE is checking certain locations for configuration files, if they are not there, it uses the defaults), but what I want to know is, How can I set this up so the 2 don't continue to clash. What needs to go into the local .config directory for KDE to recognize it?
